Carers’ charity ‘not surprised’ at cut in at-home services
A CHARITY which helps carers in Guernsey has said it is disappointed but not surprised by the 25% cut in care-at-home services announced by Health & Social Care this week.

Carers Guernsey has called for the delayed review of long-term care insurance to be accelerated urgently, along with reviews of carers allowance and severe disability allowance.
Chairman Peter Harwood, a former chief minister, said the charity was ‘very concerned at the likely impact upon those who provide informal and unpaid care in the community, especially family members’.
He described the team at HSC’s adult community services as ‘very dedicated’ and acknowledged the ‘extreme pressures’ under which it has been operating in recent months.
The cuts, which have seen care packages removed for seven clients and reduced for a further 55 from the total case load of 212, have highlighted the island’s reliance on informal carers, Mr Harwood said.
Of an estimated 4,000 to 6,000 informal and unpaid carers in the community, fewer than 600 qualified for any direct financial support through carers’ allowance from the States.
‘There is unlikely to be any growth in the number of beds available within the nursing or residential homes sector,’ Mr Harwood said.
‘If HSC is unable to cope with the demand of providing the level of care required in the community, then it necessarily falls upon the informal and unpaid carers within the family to provide that care, with little or no financial support.’
HSC has said the cuts in services will strengthen the reliability of its remaining care packages and prevent any further ad hoc cancellations of home visits, which have been occurring at an average rate of 70 per week.
Asked whether more money would solve the problem, HSC president Deputy Al Brouard said it was ‘more complicated than that’, with the main barrier being staff shortages.
Vacancies are currently running at 36% within domiciliary care, compared to a more usual rate of 10-12%.
n HSC has said that all those directly affected by the cuts have, by now, been informed. It asked those with concerns to call its customer care team on 01481 220000.
Carers Guernsey has invited those affected by the cuts to call its outreach team on 07781 444488.