Guernsey Press

Local students teach children in one of the poorest regions

TWO Guernsey students have returned from teaching underprivileged children at a school in Tanzania.

Holly Hobbs, left, and Isabele Trabold, right, with two students from Greenwhich school in Arusha. (31444578)

The trip, run by International Volunteers HQ, saw Isabelle Trabold and Holly Hobbs, both 17, travel to Arusha to teach a variety of subjects such as English, maths and geography to young Tanzanian students.

Arusha is considered one of the poorest regions in the world where locals have limited access to food, water and education.

Both of them were shocked at the conditions the locals lived in.

In the school the learning equipment was low quality and scarce, with 30 students sharing one book in lessons.

‘It was an eye-opening experience,’ said Holly.

While leading the lessons they both had the opportunity to spend time with the students who were described as very passionate to learn and full of love, despite the conditions they lived in.

‘Their love and smiles filled the room,’ said Isabelle.

The pair had volunteered in Guernsey before and were on the lookout for opportunities to travel while being able to help others and make a difference.

Tanzania was not a pre-selected location but by going through the IVHQ website and seeing the options, a decision was made to go help impoverished school children in Arusha.

Isabelle said that it was a completely different environment to anything she had experienced and her desire to help others had grown.

‘The effect the children had on us was bigger than the effect we had on them,’ she said.

Holly said the difference in culture and education was clear.

Upon returning to Guernsey the pair have set up a GoFundMe with a target of £2,000 to send to Greenwhich School.

The money raised will go towards a fence, computer, printer, benches, books and other equipment to help improve the students’ quality of education.
