Action plan in place for next ‘fly season’
THE source of fly problems in St Andrew’s has finally been found and action is being taken.

But the States of Guernsey will not identify the culprit.
The heart of the island was blighted with a large number of flies over the summer, with some residents reporting windows covered in the insects.
Public meetings were called and Environmental Health and Pollution Regulation was drafted in to help.
Environmental Health and Pollution Regulation director Tobin Cook said they had now found the source of the issue.
‘Following the notable problem with flies in St Andrew’s during the summer, we have now identified the source of the problem,’ he said.
‘Although we won’t be publicly identifying the source due to ongoing matters, an action plan has been developed which should prevent the recurrence of the problems experienced during the summer.
'With six months before the next “fly season”, this is a good opportunity to implement, refine and roll out the plan to address this.’
He was unable to give details about how the fly problem would be curtailed.
St Andrew’s parish has been involved in the investigation.
Senior constable Martin Thwaite said it was a relief to see the problem being taken seriously and the investigation being launched.
He said they had been receiving complaints about various fly problems for five years.
‘But it got so bad this year, and action was required,’ he said.
A local action group was set up by parishioners and Environmental Health stepped in, launching an investigation that included using the expertise of a UK entomology expert, local insect experts and pest control experts.
Mr Thwaite said he hoped that now the action plan was in place, the situation would be better next year.
During the autumn adult flies search for good locations to hibernate over the colder winter months.
In recent weeks the parish community's social media page has seen residents noting that the number of flies had gone back up with the late autumn warm spell over the weekend.