Alderney’s representation in States set for a review
A REVIEW of Alderney’s representation in Guernsey’s States and its committees is to be made during the debate on the airport runway this week.

Deputy Gavin St Pier is placing an amendment to the proposals in which he wants to see Policy & Resources and Alderney’s Policy & Finance Committee ‘work collaboratively... to develop options for strengthening the relationship between Guernsey and Alderney’.
This would specifically include ‘consideration of the interaction between the States of Alderney and the States of Deliberation, including representation, and membership on committees’.
The amendment is seconded by Deputy Heidi Soulsby.
Given the changes to the composition of both Alderney’s population and economy and the make-up of Guernsey’s States over the years, the explanatory note said that it was time consideration was given to how Alderney should be represented in the Guernsey Assembly and its committees, in particular where policies or services impacted Alderney residents.
A review of the 1948 Agreement between the islands was begun during the last States term but was deprioritised, ‘not
least because of Brexit and Covid’.
But Deputy St Pier said the work now falls within the Government Work Plan ‘and is in train with good cooperation and dialogue between the States of Alderney and the Policy & Resources Committee.
‘This amendment will simply insert a milestone in that current plan of work, so that progress can be reported back and considered by the States of Deliberation while any airport rehabilitation project is under way.’
He later added that he would not wish to prejudge what the right representation might be, but while P&R and Alderney States look at how best to provide and support services across both islands, the question of political representation should also be raised.
‘For example, for many years, the argument has been made in both islands that what is good for one economically is good for the other,’ he said.
‘If so, there might be a case for arguing that there ought to be Alderney representation on the Committee for Economic Development.’