Sleet and hail, but no snow in the forecast
SLEET and hail are predicted to hit Guernsey this week, but any snow is not expected to stick.

There has been a sharp drop in temperature since the start of December.
But it is still warmer than the UK, which has seen sub-zero temperatures.
‘While it will feel cold here in the Bailiwick this week, daytime temperatures will range between 7C and 9C, with overnight temperatures falling to 1C to 2C, and bringing a risk of ground frosts,’ a Guernsey Met Office spokesman said.
‘There is a chance of occasional showers through the period Wednesday to Saturday, and on Friday and Saturday some of these could be wintry with a mix or rain/hail/sleet, but we aren’t expecting any accumulation.’
He added that a white Christmas was unlikely, with milder and wetter weather predicted.