Guernsey Press

A great opportunity, says Brock scholarship recipient

WITH applications being invited for the 2023 Brock University scholarships, one former recipient who graduated this year has said she would recommend it highly.

Before she went to Brock University, Robyn Palfrey did not know what to expect from student life across the Atlantic and life in Canada generally.

Robyn Palfrey, 22, completed the International Baccalaureate at the Grammar School and Sixth Form Centre before being accepted for the undergraduate scholarship to Brock in 2018.

She took a four-year course in English literature, with a minor in geography, graduating with first class honours in April.

She has stayed in Canada and in September started a two-year masters course in English at Victoria University in Vancouver.

‘Brock was fantastic,’ she said. ‘It was a great opportunity.’

A bonus for Robyn Palfrey was her proximity to Niagara Falls.

Having not known what to expect – she said someone told her that people in Canada skated to work, only to find out that this only really applied in Ottawa in certain months of the year – she was delighted with what she found.

‘I was in Ontario which was really beautiful, surrounded by lakes and close to Niagara Falls.

But she also liked the way the university allowed more freedom with the subjects students took, such as letting an arts student take a science subject as a minor, unlike in the UK where options are more streamlined.

The literature course was also more broad than UK options, with elements including Canadian literature, environmental literature and translations.

Miss Palfrey said she would recommend Brock to anyone who wanted an inter-disciplinary approach to their studies.

Her masters is in English with Cultural, Social and Political Thought – CSPT – which allows students to attend a range of lectures on the secondary topics.

Long-term, she would like to work in the environmental sector for a few years before taking on a PhD.

How to apply

The Brock scholarships are for one undergraduate and postgraduate courses at the university, which has long-standing links to Guernsey through Sir Isaac Brock.

Applicants will have to demonstrate a high level of academic accomplishment.

The closing date is 31 December 2022 and anyone who would like to apply or ask about funding, should call student finance on 226560 or email