Guernsey Press

La Societe takes a New Year Plant Hunt trip to Petit Bot

A SNAPSHOT of flowering plants to be found in the island was taken on New Year’s Eve when the botany section of La Societe took part in the Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland’s New Year Plant Hunt with a trip to Petit Bot.

Helen Litchfield, co-secretary of the section, examines a plant. (Picture by Luke Le Prevost, 31628210)

The initiative has been run locally for the past three years. La Societe members and guests walked the area searching for any flowering plants.

Findings were recorded and submitted to La Societe’s plant database which is being used to build data on climate change.

‘Plants are some of the first warning signs,’ said Helen Litchfield, co-secretary of the botany section.

Though a recent lack of sunshine meant the group did not find so many plants in flower, it has been noted that most species have been increasing in numbers.

Two of the most prominent are daisies and gorse, which La Societe has found in abundance through its regular plant hunts.

‘Kissing’s out of fashion when gorse is out of fashion,’ said Ms Litchfield.

The walk saw around 15 islanders, with a range of knowledge, examine the Petit Bot area with the group experts demonstrating how to properly record any findings.

Recent La Societe member Jacky Sillars said how welcoming the group had been and that her knowledge on local plants had expanded rapidly.

‘I’ve always loved plants and wanted to know more. Everyone has been very inclusive and the things you learn from the organisers is amazing.

‘They’ve been very generous with their time.’

As well as its walks, La Societe runs open meetings on the first Saturday of each month where islanders can learn more about local floral life.

These meetings are held in the open air at a wide variety of locations across Guernsey as the group aims to keep growing its recordings.

‘We want to survey the whole island,’ said La Societe member Sue Dodd.

n More information on plants and upcoming events is available at