Guernsey Press

Lt-Governor hosts DofE Gold Award ceremony

THE achievements of a group of young islanders were recognised by Lt-Governor Lt General Richard Cripwell in a ceremony at Government House.

The 15 Gold Award recipients with Lt-Governor Lt General Richard Cripwell, who praised their efforts and determination. (31658284)

The 15 gold award recipients from various schools and establishments were presented with their badges at the reception.

‘I was very pleased to be able to host the Duke of Edinburgh gold awards here again for the first time in two years,’ said Lt General Cripwell.

‘It’s been a real pleasure meeting these young people who, despite the limitations of the pandemic, have each tackled the Gold Award with energy, imagination and enthusiasm.’

The recipients were joined by parents, teachers, Youth Commission and the Friends of DofE committee, who heard from aide-de-camp Marco Ciotti about the scheme’s growth.

Having launched in February 1956, there are currently more than 300,000 DofE participants throughout Britain working towards their bronze, silver or gold awards.

All three levels consist of volunteering, skills, physical recreation and expedition sections, with gold incorporating a residential project which involves staying and working away from home.

It takes between 18 to 24 months to achieve gold, and all awards must be completed by the participants’ 25th birthday.

‘This award recognises significant achievement over a sustained period and I have a great respect for those who attain it. It shows a degree of focus, resourcefulness and determination that remains valuable throughout one’s life,’ said Lt-General Cripwell.

Since the pandemic, when students were unable to attend Buckingham Palace, gold badges have been directly sent out to recipients.

The Government House event enabled the presentation of these alongside Friends of DofE badges to students from Elizabeth College, Ladies’ College and Youth Commission.

Guernsey is the only location across the UK to have a Friends of DofE group, which works on-island to raise funds and liaises with key officers to ensure the scheme is available to all young people whatever their circumstances.

n Anyone interested in knowing more or taking part can contact DofE coordinator Lara Klein at