Guernsey Press

Free soup kitchen set up in St Martin’s

A FREE soup kitchen will be helping islanders on Thursdays in the future.

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Sara Dorey, left, has set up a soup kitchen at St Martin’s Community Centre with support from the parish and several hotels who are making the soups. The event runs every Thursday and is free to anyone. With Mrs Dorey are, left to right, Hazel Bisson, Peter Dorey, Yasmin Atkinson, with two-year-old Hope Goy, Steve Bonsall, Jill Morgan and Susan De Putron. (Picture by Luke Le Prevost, 31674252)

The first one was held at St Martin’s community centre yesterday afternoon.

There were the options of butternut squash and ginger or leek and potato soups, with bread and butter on the side. Food expenses were covered by the parish douzaine.

Organiser Sara Dorey said she had wanted to put something like this together for a while.

‘Ever since the community centre was built, my husband and I have always thought that the idea of a soup kitchen would go down really well, so it’s great to have set it up,’ she said.

The soup is being made by four hotels on a rota basis, with La Barbarie providing it on this occasion. The other hotels involved are Les Douvres, The Captains and The Queen’s Inn.

‘Having the hotels make the soup is really helpful, and the fact that all of them are so close by is a bonus.

'We are spoilt for choice,’ Mrs Dorey said.

All the servers of the soup are volunteers, and those visiting, such as Susan de Putron, were grateful for the social side of the event, as well as the soup.

‘I heard about it through members of St Martin’s Church,’ she said, adding that she hoped the number of people attending would grow in future.

Hazel Bisson and Jill Morgan, both members of the church, said they liked going to the soup kitchen as it gave them something to do, and gave them a chance to understand more about the lives of the people who would come along.

Yasmin Atkinson came along accompanied by Hope Goy, 2, and was pleased that the soup kitchen provided entertainment for young children.

‘It’s a good opportunity to take her out and about,’ she said, adding that she liked that there was a large, warm space for Hope to play in with plenty of toys available.

The soup kitchen is set to run every Thursday between midday and 4pm until the end of March.

n To find out more, visit St Martin’s church’s Facebook page: