Yesterday’s rain 10 times the average
NEARLY 10 times an average January day’s rainfall deluged the island yesterday.

In total, 28.5mm fell between 11pm Monday, when the rain started, to 3pm yesterday.
Police and Traffic & Highway Services were monitoring the situation and several roads were closed.
Route des Coutanchez was shut after water reached the height of the bank.
And at Route St Andre, by the Little Chapel in Les Vauxbelets, a car got stuck in the flood water, which was said to be waist deep.
Police advised motorists to use an alternative route rather than chancing it across a flooded road.
On an average January day, about 2.9mm of rain would be expected.
The wettest January day on record was in 2001, when 35.8mm was recorded.
Rain and hail showers, as well as sunny spells, are expected today.