Guernsey Press

Volunteers needed for toddler group

MORE volunteers are needed to continue providing parenting support and fun for young children.

Left to right: Kerrin Leigh with Colbie and Jaice, Chloe Leigh, Kiara Loveridge, and Wendy Wickens with two-year-old Phoebe at Les Camps Methodist Church, St Martin’s. (Picture by Sophie Rabey, 31700549)

Dragonflies Toddler Group is looking for more volunteers to interact with children and their parents or carers, create a safe and supportive environment and to help serve refreshments.

The group is run by the charity Home-Start, which supports families.

Volunteer and group co-ordinator Ally De Carteret has been involved for about eight years, which started by her taking her two sons along.

‘These sessions are available for anybody, any parents who may want to socialise with other parents, or for their children to socialise with others,’ she said.

‘Some people rely on this service to get out of the house and come to every session, and it is a comfortable space where people can ask questions and receive advice.’

She added that it was not just a mother and baby group, but a family.

The sessions include free play time, as well as set-up activities which are different for each sessions, followed by snack time.

Wendy Wickens brings her two-year-old granddaughter Phoebe to the sessions, after initially bringing her grandson, who is now at school.

‘It is a lovely, social atmosphere, and it allows children to learn how to socialise and interact, particularly for those who may

not have brothers and sisters,’ she said.

‘It is a cross-section of society here, and particularly for young mums it can be really helpful as everyone shares advice. It works beautifully.’

She added that it was great that the group has a healthy snack time and singing and dancing at the end of the session. She said that even the very young babies or shy children get involved.

Kerrin Leigh takes her two sons Colbie, 3, and Jaice, 2, to Dragonflies.

She has been bringing Colbie since he was just six months old and they sometimes attend multiple sessions a week.

‘It’s really sociable, the children play and make friends, and the adults can chat and make friends as well,’ she said.

Since Covid, health visitors attend the Thursday sessions and every other Friday session, as mums wanted access to advice.

The health visitors are able to do weigh-ins and also answer

any questions.

Anyone who is interested in volunteering or would like more information about the group can call 226988.

n Group sessions are 9.30am to 11.30am. Tuesday – Wesley Church Hall, Grand Bouet; Thursday – Les Camps, St Martin’s; and Friday – Styx, St Peter’s.