Guernsey Press

Ladies’ College collage display inspired by ex- student

A COLLAGE exhibition inspired by a former student is on display at The Ladies’ College.

A collage exhibition to celebrate The Ladies’ College 150th anniversary was inspired by former student Eleanor Atkinson, who creates collage illustrations and contributed a mural to the exhibition. (31731012)

Students in Remove tried their hands at making collages from images taken around the school grounds to showcase the school from a student perspective as part of its 150th anniversary.

Former student Eleanor Atkinson, who creates intricate collage illustrations, produced videos detailing her creative process when making her own collages to support the students.

‘Since I left the school in 2012, there have been so many developments at The Ladies’ College and the new buildings are wonderful,’ she said.

‘I wanted to capture some of the historical architecture, such as Melrose School, in a celebration of old and new.

‘I have also emphasised the abundance of green space and the contrast between the wooded area of oak trees and the palm trees.’

The students started off by studying Miss Atkinson’s work and drawing a copy, before moving onto creating their own with a variety of materials.

They said that they really enjoyed it and it went really well.

‘Discussions and planning meetings with many departments across the college helped the art team to plan projects which would celebrate visually the successes, key moments in history and pride we have in being part of such a wonderful college,’ said the head of sixth form and art, Emma Clements.

‘Students used the Ladies’ College site to start a visual journey of creating individual and unique collages in the style of Ellie’s work, but adding their own individual qualities and personalities.’

The exhibition will be open permanently to parents, students and visitors to the school from 30 January.