Guernsey Press

‘Closure of St John Healthcare shop will affect those in need’ – Age Concern

LIVES will be affected but needs will be met, the chairman of Age Concern Guernsey has said on the closure of St John Healthcare Shop.

Age Concern chairman David Inglis. (Picture by Peter Frankland, 31782355)

The shop, based at the ambulance headquarters in the Rohais, sold essential mobility equipment and healthcare products, but is set to close this month due to ‘unprecedented challenging economic climate in the retail sector, the associated cost-of-living crisis and a combination of unavoidable factors’.

Age Concern Guernsey chairman David Inglis felt compelled to comment on the serious issues that could arise as a result of the closure.

‘I was aware the closure of the St John Healthcare Shop was a difficult decision. Very recently, though, we were given to understand the necessary planning was being done,’ he said.

‘The news that essential mobility equipment healthcare products will be provided to some of the most vulnerable in our community from a wholesale warehouse on an industrial estate is a concerning development.’

Mercury Distribution will be taking over and supplying the products from its wholesale warehouse at Pitronnerie Road.

Mr Inglis has asked for St John customers to be consulted in the transition process.

‘St John is a caring organisation and these products are essential. We were particularly surprised and concerned that St John seems to have been unable to give proper consideration to the people affected by this transition,’ he said.

On behalf of Age Concern Guernsey members, Mr Inglis has encouraged everyone involved in the transfer to the new supplier to think carefully about the people who rely on these products.

‘We want to see the parties involved taking more seriously their duty of care to ensure this handover goes as smoothly as possible for all those it will impact directly,’ he said.

‘We understand this decision was taken in difficult circumstances and we will be trying to give appropriate support to St John.

‘People’s lives are going to be affected by this change.

‘Even when commercial factors are at play the human considerations must not be overlooked.’

n The shop will cease trading and close permanently on Monday 20 February.