Guernsey Press

‘Say No to GST’ protest group keeps up pressure

A SUNDAY drive-style protest will be taking place tomorrow to remind politicians of the public opinion against tax proposals.

Tomorrow’s ‘Say No to GST’ Sunday drive-style protest will start and finish on North Beach and go north around the island. Organisers are happy if people join in on the route.

The organisers of the ‘Say No To GST’ rally and protest outside the Royal Court have organised a third protest in the form of an island-wide drive.

This was organised to be inclusive of the elderly, those with disabilities who could not take part in the rally, and anyone who was unable to attend the original march and protest.

‘We felt that the march had done the job, so this is just a gentle reminder to politicians of public stance,’ said one of the organisers, Anne Le Cheminant.

‘We have a 30-seat bus for people who are unable to drive, which will lead the procession, and we encourage people to car share to not clog the roads and to help the environment.’

Organisers have not asked the police to monitor this event, unlike the previous two.

Roads, filters and junctions will not be closed, so drivers are asked to drive responsibly at normal and abide by road signs.

Businesses with sign writing on their vehicles are encouraged to attend, and all drivers are asked to display anti-GST bumper stickers, red ribbons and other merchandise against GST.

The drive will set off from North Beach car park, heading north around the coast.

Protesters are asked to get there at 1.30, for a 2pm start.

Organisers are inviting people to join from car parks around the coast, and they do not have to do the full circuit.

Unlike the rally, there will be no big speeches, but organisers hope that the drive will show solidarity to the public.

. Anyone who would like to reserve a seat on the bus should contact organiser Rachel Presland on 07781 106384.

Protest banners being refreshed

ANOTHER protest outside the Royal Court building on Wednesday will be taking place.

Protesters will gather from 8.30am to remind politicians of their views against GST and new tax proposals.

The organisers are doing a re-brand of banners and posters from the last protest.

Anyone who still has a banner from the protest on 25 January is asked to return it to RH Gaudion, Camp du Roi, so it can be refreshed.