Plastic picked off beaches
MORE than 1,200 pieces of plastic were cleared from Guernsey beaches during last weekend’s Big Channel Islands Beach Clean.

The fifth annual clean also saw events held in Jersey, Alderney and Sark.
In Guernsey, The Clean Earth Trust held two organised events, with more than 60 people attending in total.
The Richmond end of Vazon was tackled first on the Saturday, followed by Pembroke on the Sunday.
Over both cleans, as well as the plastic, volunteers collected 250 cigarette butts and 200 food wrappers.
All the data will be going into the organisation’s annual marine litter report.
‘It was amazing to see people of all ages getting involved with the beach cleans last weekend. We had people currently doing their Duke of Edinburgh and many families come along too,’ said charity coordinator Olivia Bennett.
‘The difference all these volunteers make is just incredible, without their help thousands of plastic pieces would still be on our beach and harming our local environment.’
The trust holds beach cleans every weekend. Saturday’s is at Salerie Corner from 2.30pm. Everyone is welcome and all the kit is provided on the day.