‘The Women’s Institute is what you make of it’
DEBUNKING their ‘jam and Jerusalem’ reputation was the focus of a local Women’s Institute group as they spoke to Waitrose shoppers about their organisation.

St John’s Women’s Institute, based at St John’s Church hall, does more than just baking, but has reinforced that ‘the WI is what you make of it’.
Some members of the organisation were based at Waitrose Admiral Park last weekend to encourage others to join.
Rosemary Ferguson was one of its founding members some 40 years ago.
‘We’re trying to get rid of the "jam and Jerusalem" image.
‘Some of us do make jam and bake cakes, but as a whole we do a lot more than just that, and we want new ideas from new people,’ she said.
‘The WI is what you make of it.
‘You meet such nice people and you learn so many new things in an informal and fun way.
The St John’s branch of the WI lobbies for issues that matter to members, gets involved in community events and annually visits Lihou for a residential trip.
‘We go to Lihou every year and we’re really chuffed because we’re going for three nights this year when you can normally only go for two,’ said Ms Ferguson.
The group walks, takes part in wildlife photography and other activities and enjoys the experience at high tide.
For chairwoman, Joyce Du Port, she found the group at a time when she really needed it.
‘I was very busy with my family and elderly relations when I joined the WI, but it was something to take my mind off things for a bit and focus on my life, while meeting really lovely people,’ she said.
‘It’s very diverse, our ages range from 30 to 90, we’re all from different parishes and have completely different lives.’
The St John’s WI is always open to new members with new ideas of fun things to do.
n Anyone interested joining can enquire at joyceduport@gmail.com or ferguson@cwgsy.net.