Guernsey Press

Popular schools’ quiz makes a noisy return

THE biggest schools quiz in the Channel Islands returned with a bang yesterday, as Beau Sejour hosted the 2023 De Putron Challenge.

We are the champions. The winning Year 6 team from Vauvert Primary. Left to right, Nathan Sanders, 10, Soren Brun, 10, and Finn Davidson, 11. (Pictures by Luke Le Prevost, 31879084)

Created in 2007, it sees Year 6 and Year 8 pupils from Guernsey and Jersey compete against each other in a University Challenge-style quiz.

Five teams took part in the first year – a number that has grown to 52 across both islands in 2023.

De Putron Challenge founder Hayley de Putron said how the competition holds great importance within local education.

‘It’s fantastic that it has become a main event in the schools’ calendars,’ she said.

‘The competition helps build students’ confidence, expand their skills and highlight how clever our young Channel Islanders are, all while having fun supporting their school.’

The Year 6’s kicked off the competition with each school putting forward a team of three pupils to take on the heats, which were split into two, with seven teams in each.

This year’s theme was It’s Time, seen throughout the three heat rounds of In Recent Times for current affairs, times tables and clock-based questions for maths, and an environment round named Running out of Time.

There was also a creative STEM round, developed with the Channel Islands Group of Professional Engineers, where contestants were tasked with making a moving car using a balloon and craft materials.

At the end of the heats, the 14 teams were whittled down to four – Melrose, Blanchelande, St Martins and Vauvert.

The winning Year 8 team from Elizabeth College, Left to right, Noah Nicolle, 13, Ines Silva-Rocha, 13 and Beeke Voehrs, 12. (31880064)

They took part in a further three rounds to loud cheers from their year groups in the spectator area.

Loudest of the lot were the students from Vauvert school, who got even louder when Nathan Sanders, Soren Brun and Finn Davidson excelled in the final science and geography, literature and history rounds to win the trophy.

Finn, 11, said it was like having a fourth team member hearing the support from his classmates.

‘Thank you to my school friends – we couldn’t have done it without you.’

He also said how surreal it felt to have come out on top.

‘I never thought I’d win, I signed up thinking I might as well and now look, we actually won.

'I can’t believe it.’

Team mate Soren, 10, said there had been some challenges along the way. ‘It was really nerve-wracking, especially making the car.

‘I’m so pleased that we’ve brought home the trophy to Vauvert.’

The school are now through to the inter-island final which is taking place in Guernsey on Thursday 23 March.

The team will take on the winners of the Jersey competition, being held at the Jersey Royal Showground on Tuesday 14 March.

The event will be live-streamed.

Yesterday afternoon also saw the Year 8 challenge, which was won by Elizabeth College.

n More information on the challenge is available on its Facebook page: