Guernsey Press

‘This is a great way to find out about other cultures’

ISLANDERS are being encouraged to embrace foreign culture by welcoming international students as part of a local language school’s host family initiative.

Foreign students on past visits to the Bailiwick. Aside from learning English, they are able to travel around the island, taking part in activities and seeing what Guernsey has to offer. (31882556)

Accent Language School organises trips to the Bailiwick for students aged 11-17 from countries such as France, Italy and Switzerland in order to improve their English.

The students do this through English lessons at the school during the day, and by speaking the language with their host families while spending time together in the evening.

‘It gives the chance for children to experience another culture,’ said Accent director Anna Lisa Detassis. ‘You also get to know people from other countries and expose yourself to another culture.’

Anyone with space is able to accommodate a student, regardless of how many people live in the household, with the only criteria being that the host speaks English. There is no need to speak a foreign language. Host families are expected to provide a room with a bed and closet space, all meals, and transport around the island.

Students normally stay for one to two weeks, with families being paid between £190 – £230 per week. As well as the English lessons, Accent also puts on a programme of activities throughout the trips such as beach BBQs, sessions with Outdoor Guernsey and trips to Herm.

Mrs Detassis said the social aspect is one of the most rewarding parts of hosting a student.

‘A lot of memories are created and friendships are often formed throughout the trips. Some students stay in touch with their host families when they go back home.’

Sue Le Friec hosted two students last year for two weeks.

She has two sons who have now left home and she said how enjoyable and insightful hosting had been.

‘They really brought some fun and energy back to the house.

'We made ourselves adaptable and we got on very well together, we even spoke to their parents over the phone,’ said Mrs Le Friec.

‘You learn about their culture and it broadens your view on life.’

n Anyone interested in becoming a host family should phone 01481 714909 or visit