Jet chosen as the name for Island Games puffin mascot
THE name of the 2023 Island Games mascot has been revealed.

Jet the Puffin will be jetting around the various events of the 14 different sports throughout the competition, which is running from 8 to 14 July.
Next week marks 100 days until it starts.
Amanda Hibbs, communications and events director for the Games, said the mascot linked with the competition’s core principles.
‘We felt the puffin reflects the friendship and family values of the Games,’ she said.
‘Puffins pair for life and return to the same burrows every year to raise their young.'
Mrs Hibbs added that it was an 'obvious choice' to pick a bird well-liked around the islands.
‘The Bailiwick has a long association with puffins, with colonies that return every year to Jethou, Herm, and Burhou.’
Jet's name was chosen after the Games team visited all Guernsey primary schools over the last three weeks, with a shortlist of three names to be voted on.
These were Patois the Puffin, Jethou [Jet] the Puffin and Pierre Le Puffin. Jet won by a landslide.
The winning name was announced at La Houguette Primary yesterday in an all-school assembly as it is on the route of the triathlon and cycling road race.
The assembly included a visit from Jet, who gave high fives and posed for pictures with the pupils.
It was also attended by Guernsey 2023 Organising Committee chairwoman Dame Mary Perkins.
Izabella Lucane, 10, is looking forward to the cycling events most as she rides her bike every weekend and said yesterday’s event made her more excited for the Games.
‘I’m a lot more excited for the Games,’ she said.
‘The costume is good and the name suits him because puffins can fly.’
Hugo Le Gallez, 9, had initially voted for Pierre, but after witnessing the announcement, was pleased with the result.
‘I was happy to see him come out and now that I’ve heard the name and seen the mascot, I think it’s better than what I voted for.’
The mascot aims to inspire more young islanders into sport and will be part of a number of projects to get children feeling like they are part of the Games.
These will be announced over the next few months.
Games deputy director Emma Beardsell described the enthusiasm that has already been shown from local schoolchildren.
‘Everyone was really excited when we came into the school three weeks ago and it was lovely to see and hear such a positive reaction today.’
The mascot links in to Autism Guernsey and the GSPCA’s Puffin Parade that will see 62 decorated puffins spread around the island. These will be in place from April to August.