£500k to replace Cour du Parc’s cladding
A PLANNING application has been submitted for thicker, safer cladding for Cour du Parc.

The Guernsey Housing Association confirmed last year that the cladding on Guernsey’s only tower block was not classed as safe as it was when it was installed.
The Kingspan K15 insulation was low risk when it was installed in 2012, but is now classed as medium risk, leading to the GHA wanting to replace it.
It is planned that rockwool duo slabs will be used.
Steve Robert, from Lovell Ozanne and Partners, said the new cladding would improve the fire safety of the building.
‘The replacement insulation product is 92mm thicker than the existing insulation board, and hence a new bracket system and cladding panel is proposed,’ he said in the application document.
‘The size/shape and colour of the vast majority of the cladding panels on the elevations will replicate the existing.’
Subject to planning, it is hoped the work will take place this summer, with scaffolding used to carry out the work, which is expected to cost at least £500,000.
. The plans can be seen at https://www.gov.gg/liveplanningapplications