Guernsey Press

Parishes are preparing for the King’s Coronation celebrations

TORTEVAL is presenting all the under-18’s in the parish with a commemorative Coronation mug.

Torteval Constable Becky Link pictured with coronation mugs that the parish will be giving to the parish’s under-18s. (Picture by Sophie Rabey, 32031229)

It is one of only two parishes holding separate celebrations for the King’s coronation, and both of these parishes are not holding Liberation Day events.

Many other parishes who were holding Liberation Day events said that they did not have the volunteers or funds to put on events for both.

The only parish not holding an event for either day is St Saviour’s.

Torteval is holding its coronation celebrations the day after the big event.

Constable Becky Link said the parish recognised that most people would want to watch the actual ceremony at the special event at the KGV or at home, so the parish was staging its event on the Sunday.

The day begins with a church service at 11am.

Afterwards there will be a tree planting ceremony to replace a 62-year-old pine tree in the church grounds lost last year to honey fungus.

The new trees are being planted by four parishioners who planted the original tree when they were just eight years old.

In the afternoon the parish is holding a bring and share party in the hall at 2.30pm and if the weather is good this will be moved to the grounds of the church.

St Sampson’s parish is celebrating the Coronation by inviting the parish to ‘watch it with us’.

The event, being held at Vale Rec Clubhouse on Coronation Day, is designed for people on their own to come together to enjoy the celebrations.

St Sampson’s douzenier Kim Abbotts said that as well as big screen TVs, the parish will be providing free teas, coffee and a light lunch.

‘It will be like an afternoon tea served for lunch,’ she said.

‘We are hoping to provide a fun event for some of our parishioners who want to watch the big day with other people but live on their own.’

The parish is also offering transport to those who might find it difficult to get to the event.

Numbers are limited so anyone interested in attending is asked to call 01481 244130 or email

The event will start at 10.30am and continue until the end of the Coronation.