Guernsey Press

Community input sought on how States can save money

STATES members tasked with finding between £10m. and £16m. of savings over five years will be seeking input from public sector employees and the community at large.


Details of how they can contribute to the process will be shared in the coming weeks. Its recommendations are set to go to the States Assembly in January.

As revealed in Saturday’s Guernsey Press, the sub-committee has written to all States committees asking for their suggestions for how significant savings can be delivered in their respective service areas, and the associated risks.

Now its chairman, Deputy Dave Mahoney, has said it wants ideas from a wide range of people.

‘In the first instance we’ve invited committees to contribute, but we’ll soon expand that more widely,’ he said.

‘For committees, we do believe it’s important they recognise the scale of the deficit we face and the significant amount we need to find through this process, as they put forward their suggestions.

‘It will be those same committees who will later be tasked with implementing the changes. Difficult and unpalatable decisions will need to be made, and we are on an extremely tight time-frame.’

The sub-committee is tasked with identifying essential services and considering if savings can be delivered through structural change, cessation, outsourcing and/or commissioning of those services.

Sub-committee member Deputy Sasha Kazantseva-Miller said it would be creating opportunities for all islanders, third sector and business bodies, to input into the process.

‘We all have a stake in this because we all contribute towards the cost of public services, we all use services, and we will all be affected if we can’t fund services in a way that is sustainable.

‘We know not every idea, whether they are from deputies or members of the community, will be achievable but we want to have a healthy list of suggestions to work through and we believe everyone should be able to contribute.

‘We will be coming back with details on how they can do so, very soon.’