Guernsey Press

Bust of Little Chapel creator unveiled to mark centenary

A BUST of Brother Deodat was unveiled at a special service to mark a centenary since the start of the construction of the Little Chapel.


Officials from across island life attended the event, which was held in front of the chapel. That included three members of Catholic clergy, Anglican priest the Rev. Penny Graysmith, Bailiff Richard McMahon, and representatives from Blanchelande College and the Little Chapel Foundation.

The foundation has been responsible for the restoration of the chapel in recent years, and its chairman, Andrew Warren, said everything was looking good at the chapel.

‘We are currently in a good position, in term of stability and structurally,’ he said.

‘The next thing we are looking at is improving access.’

Before the service there were some quick improvements made, such as gardening and replacing some gaps in the crockery, to ensure the site looked its best.

For many years, Blanchelande College has had a close connection with the neighbouring chapel – Mr Warren was principal at the school between 2012 and 2016.

College trustee Michael Fattorini said there was still a ‘warm relationship’ between the two institutions.

The service included hymns, readings and prayers, as well as a performance by the Blanchelande College Choir.

Foundation committee member Nick Paluch said while work started on the chapel just before World War I, Brother Deodat kept working on the structure until he left the island in 1939 due to ill health. He died soon afterwards.

The foundation had tried to find people who had met Brother Deodat, but could not find anyone. Instead it commissioned artist Mark Cook to make the bust from photographs. Mr Paluch said they were pleased with how it had turned out.

‘I think the bust is magnificent,’ he said. ‘I think Mark has done a wonderful job.’

The bust will be taken away for a week or two, but will then be installed permanently, hopefully within the next few weeks.