Guernsey Press

Ofsted rates La Houguette ‘good’ in all categories

LA HOUGUETTE has been rated as ‘good’ in every category following an inspection by Ofsted.

La Houguette Primary School secured a 'good' grade in all five categories inspected. (Picture by Luke Le Prevost, 32215122)

It is the third of four primary schools inspected so far to secure a grade of at least ‘good’ in all five categories inspected.

Head teacher Claire Judd said everyone at La Houguette was delighted.

‘It is fantastic for the whole school community as achieving that kind of consistency across the wide-ranging categories is challenging but well deserved, thanks to everyone’s hard work,’ said Mrs Judd.

‘I want to thank our staff for their continued dedication, our parents for their overwhelming support and our amazing pupils who make us very proud every day.

‘We will continue striving to make La Houguette the best it can be.’

La Houguette was inspected on 24 and 25 May.

That was just days after it was at the centre of a renewed political row when some deputies again called on Education, Sport & Culture to bring forward a review into primary school closures or mergers after it was announced that more schools, including La Houguette, were dropping classes from September due to falling pupil numbers.

Ofsted said the school’s strengths included its quality of education and leadership and management.

‘Leaders have high expectations of what all pupils can achieve,’ it said.

‘Pupils enjoy their learning. They know adults want the best for them.

‘Leaders provide effective pastoral support. Pupils know they are accepted for who they are.

‘Staff foster a culture of kindness. Pupils are polite and considerate.

‘They have positive attitudes to their learning. Pupils, including those in early years, behave well in lessons and around the school. Low-level disruption is rare. Consequently, the school is a calm and purposeful place to learn.’

Ofsted was impressed with the priority given to reading. It said children learned phonics from the moment they start in Reception and their phonics knowledge is carefully tracked.

It said the maths curriculum was clearly sequenced to support pupils to build knowledge over time.

ESC president Andrea Dudley-Owen praised Mrs Judd and her colleagues at La Houguette.

‘One of our Education strategy’s four priorities is to deliver high quality learning and excellent outcomes, and we are committed to external inspections as we recognise they play a crucial role in both validating good practice and identifying where improvements can be made,’ she said.

‘Striving for continual improvement is a key part of the culture throughout education and the consistency demonstrated at La Houguette across the five inspected categories is very impressive.’