Guernsey Press

‘It’s absolutely beautiful’ –visiting teams take in island

ATHLETES and their teams spent a sunny day exploring Guernsey before the Island Games kicks off.

Ynys Mon team physios Dan Heafey, left, and Colin Roberts enjoying a stroll around St Peter Port getting to grips with Guernsey before the games begin. (32288219)

The teams from 23 visiting islands have been taking in their surroundings, testing the cycling route and grabbing a bite to eat before their sporting duties come into action.

Hotels around the island are fully booked with teams and the athletes are making the most of the facilities.

The Shetland team is staying at Les Douvres and La Barbarie Hotel. ‘It’s absolutely brilliant, they arrived yesterday en masse,’ said Le Barbarie Hotel managing director Andy Coleman.

‘They got up early this morning, they’ve had their bikes out ready in the car park, swimming in the pool. It’s lovely having them here.’

Throughout St Peter Port, the teams explored the shops, and the islands, buying merchandise from Sure, and other teams enjoyed a pint in the Prince of Wales beer garden.

Colin Roberts and Dan Heafey from Ynys Mon are physios for the team and took a walk through Town to scope out the surroundings of their hotel at the Duke of Normandie.

‘It’s absolutely beautiful. We only arrived this morning so we’re just looking around at the minute,’ said Mr Roberts.

‘We’re hoping to get down to the Bathing Pools at some point for some swimming, and into the gym to train ourselves.’

They will be dealing with their athletes from all sports, but were looking forward to the athletics events at Footes Lane.

Also staying at the Duke of Normandie is Lillie Giggle from Orkney, who will be competing in the 1500m and 5,000m athletics events.

She came over with her son and husband.

‘Since we got here everyone has been so welcoming and so helpful,’ she said. ‘As soon as we got off the plane, we collected our hire car and came here to get some food at Crepe Maison.

‘But so far, so good. Everyone is really happy, the sun is out, it’s going to be great.’

The Jersey team will be living the five-star life at the Old Government House, with others at St Pierre Park. A member of staff said it also had teams from the Faroe Islands and Gibraltar staying.

‘It’s obviously a really busy time but we’re on top of it and everyone is getting excited and ready to go,’ she said.