More opposition to La Grande Mare development in 2021 may have forced open planning meeting – DPA president
MORE opposition to the redevelopment of La Grande Mare two years ago could have forced the issue to an open planning meeting.

Development & Planning Authority president Victoria Oliver has admitted that she would have voted for the application to be decided by politicians, and in public, if she had known that the work would become so controversial.
‘In my personal view, if we had received representations at the time from all those who have now come forward, I would have voted for this to go to an open planning meeting,’ Deputy Oliver said.
‘There were a total of 13 letters or emails of objection received on the application, and one email of support.’
Approval was granted by DPA officials in private under authority delegated by the committee’s elected members.
They used a ‘silver bullet’ policy known as S5 which allows a strategically important development to proceed even if it fails to comply with other planning rules.
‘In December 2021, the committee delegated the decision on this application to the director of planning, following the receipt, publication and consideration of the environmental impact assessment forming part of the application,’ said Deputy Oliver.
‘The committee considered whether or not to delegate the decision and agreed by majority to delegate this to the director of planning.
'The decision to delegate enabled a timely, thoroughly researched and robust decision on the application to be made.’