Guernsey Press

Even organiser in the dark over scarecrow festival topics

THE Island Games, local politics and the coronation could all get the scarecrow treatment at this year’s festival.

Torteval scarecrow festival organiser Sue Brooks with her creation for this weekend’s event. (Picture by Luke Le Prevost, 32368585)

Around 50 scarecrows will decorate the quiet lanes of Torteval this weekend for the 20th annual event.

Organiser Sue Brooks said she never knows quite what to expect.

‘You can’t tell from the title entrants submit. So I don’t know until I walk around with the judges,’ she said.

‘I’m sure the Island Games will feature in a few. We often get a few political ones, both local and national. And I expect a couple entries with an environmental theme.’

Organisers have opened up the competition to individuals and groups outside the parish for this year.

The weekend festival, which follows a two-mile circuit through the most westerly parish, starting from its parish church, is open on Saturday and Sunday between 10am and 5pm.

It has become a popular part of the island’s summer schedule of events.

‘It’s often a meeting place for islanders who haven’t seen each other since the last one,’ said Mrs Brooks.

‘The lanes are often full of people chatting.

‘The most people we have ever had is about 8,000, but it’s hard to estimate exactly how many people there are, especially over two days.’

Preparations have been in full swing this week.

The main change this year is to entry categories. There will be prizes for best scarecrow from pre-schools, schools, and groups or individuals from any parish.

Refreshments will be available on both days as well as stalls, a punch and Judy show and other family entertainment. A fire engine is due to visit the festival tomorrow.

As usual, car parking is available at the upper and lower Glebe Field, next to the site of the event itself, with overflow parking available nearby if needed.

Fees from car parks will go to Lihou Island Charitable Trust and Cancer Research Guernsey.

n More information can be found on the Torteval Scarecrow Festival Facebook page.