Warning of Rohais disruption due to half-term roadworks
Traffic disruption is anticipated in the Rohais area with roadworks scheduled during this week’s half-term.

Rohais de Bas has been closed since last Monday to allow Guernsey Electricity to lay its 33kv cable. That closure will extend to include the Rohais de Haut and the Rohais from Thursday.
Access to Waitrose and St Pierre Park will be from the eastern end of the road, and vehicles will be diverted via Collings Road and Footes Lane.
The chip shop and Chinese can be accessed from Rohais de Haut.
Les Gravees will also be closed outside of peak times for five days from today to remove trees.
These works come as the Bailiff’s Cross Road works continue as fibre is installed, with vehicles diverted around King’s Road and the Rohais.
‘The island continues to have a large number of key infrastructure improvement projects to deliver meaning that recently it has been a busy time for roadworks, particularly to the west of town with important long-term projects being undertaken by Sure and Guernsey Electricity,’ said Phil Ogier, manager of roads & traffic management for the States.
‘It is a real challenge to facilitate these works while enabling other more routine projects such as servicing of important housing development sites, removing hazardous trees before the winter, and enabling maintenance of sewers by a visiting contractor.
‘We know there is a balance to be struck between making our journeys as convenient as possible while ensuring important works to benefit us can be delivered within reasonable timeframes. We’d like to thank people in advance for their patience.’
For details of closures see gov.gg/roadworks