Mug says let it grow in November
Men across the island will be ditching their razors in November for Male Uprising Guernsey’s Beard Up campaign.

The campaign aims to raise awareness of male cancers and money for the local charity.
‘The message is that if you are concerned about anything, get it checked out with a doctor and talk about it,’ said Mug council member Chris Walker.
The annual event takes place during the month of November, which aligns with the UK’s Movember, which raises money for Cancer UK.
‘Beard up is in place of Movember, as we want the money that is raised on island to stay on the island, as the charities Movember supports, although good causes, won’t benefit people here,’ said Mr Walker.
‘It affects real people here and everyone is touched by cancer somehow.’
The charity is aiming to raise £20,000 this year. Companies, clubs and individuals can all sign up to the campaign on Mug’s Just Giving page with the registration fee for individuals being £20, the registration fee for companies or clubs with up to 12 people taking part being £250, and £350 if there are more than 12 participants.
Last year’s campaign had more than 200 people take part.
‘It’s something we would like to increase this year,’ said Mr Tostevin.
A ‘champion grower’ has the chance to win the Colin Hewlett Trophy for Beard of the Year. The top corporate fundraiser will win the Dan Smale Trophy and the top individual fundraiser will win the Lee Hope Trophy.
And it is not just for men.
‘We want women to get involved and help with the campaign. Women can encourage partners and family members to get involved and get their partners talking,’ said Mr Walker.
Find out more and donate here