Portable sauna proposed in memory of man who died in climbing accident
A portable sauna could be bought for island sea swimmers in memory of a 22-year-old former Guernsey resident who died in August.

Cuillin Chisholm was killed in a climbing accident in the Swiss Alps.
Educated at Beechwood and Elizabeth College, he was the son of former Medical Specialist Group consultant paediatrician Dr Susan Eckhardt and Stewart Chisholm.
The family moved to Switzerland after Dr Eckhardt left the MSG several years’ ago.
‘He was my son’s best friend and was at Elizabeth College for some time before they moved,’ said Sara Woolland.
Her son was among several of Cuillin’s friends who travelled to Switzerland for a memorial service which took place overlooking the village of Hasliberg, which was where his ashes were scattered and a cairn built in his memory.
Mrs Woolland said a lot of local people who knew Cuillin had asked if there would be some kind of tribute.
‘Quite a lot of people were shocked and saddened by the news of Cuillin’s death,’ she said.
‘He was one of those kids who leave a mark on everybody because he was always outside and full of energy.’
While benches were often used as memorials, she said this would not fit in with Cuillin’s personality. ‘He never sat down so we can’t do that.’
But remembering a visit to Norway she thought that a portable sauna might be a better idea and this has gone down well with those to whom she has mentioned it. Ideally it would be located near a beach for people who have been swimming in the sea, she said.
Her initial investigations had come found such saunas for about £3,000-4,000 but she said she had not looked into what planning or other permissions might be needed, nor into issues of who would look after it.
However she is continuing to progress the idea.
‘It would be for the benefit of the community to enjoy the outdoors, which is what Cuillin loved,’ said Mrs Woolland.
Full obituary in Tuesday's paper