Senior citizens group saved after Press story inspires couple
Guernsey Senior Citizens Association has been saved from closing down thanks to an article in the Guernsey Press.

The association has been running monthly meetings for 45 years for islanders aged 65 and over.
However, the retirement of its chairman and other committee members, with no one willing to step up, put the association at risk.
Alan Prevel, a former prison officer and current driver for Age Concern, and his wife Mary saw an article about the potential closure in the Guernsey Press and took it upon themselves to continue the group.
‘We saw the Press story and I realised that it was the group which my mother attends and so we thought we’d see what it was about,’ he said.
‘We’ve been retired for two or three years now and so we’re looking for more ways that we can help out and get involved with the community.’
The group currently has about 36 members, but Mr and Mrs Prevel would like to see more attend.
They are keeping the current layout of the sessions.
‘It is great for people who don’t get out a lot, it keeps a monthly routine and people can socialise while enjoying a hot drink and some cake,’ said Mr Prevel.
The sessions consist of a guest speaker and an interesting discussion, followed by a raffle, tea and coffee and sometimes bingo too.
The group also hosts a couple of meals and bigger events throughout the year.
Meetings take place on every second Thursday of the month at Vale Douzaine Room, starting at 2pm.
Anyone interested in attending can show up, or contact Mrs Prevel on 07781 437629 for more information