Guernsey Press

Sure visits Age Concern to offer support on fibre

Older islanders have been getting extra support in the fibre rollout from Sure, which has been speaking to them at Age Concern meetings.

(Picture by Peter Frankland, 32719035)

But some are not interested in the switch.

Community fibre support officer Tom Pinsard visited all four Age Concern group meetings last week to discuss any concerns or questions members had surrounding fibre network, internet and landlines.

‘We want to ensure that the whole community are equipped with the information they need about fibre, not only for internet but also for landlines,’ said Mr Pinsard.

‘The message we’re trying to get across is for everyone who can’t switch online, on the phone or in store, we’re doing home visits for anyone with properties that have access to fibre.’

Members of St Martin’s Age Concern continued with their board games and activities while Mr Pinsard made his way around the room speaking through any concerns and answering any questions.

Former newsagent, Ron Gould, 95, and Diane Renouf, 73, were playing Ludo. Mr Gould said he did not want to switch to fibre.

‘My daughter has had a lot of problems with her fibre,’ he said.

‘For me, people at Sure are very kind and sort any problems I have, but I struggle with my sight so I don’t have a computer and I don’t even use email anymore, so I’m not interested in switching to fibre.’

Ian Fitchet had a long conversation with Mr Pinsard about his concerns.

‘I don’t have fibre where I live yet but I was really concerned about them digging up the road,’ he said.

‘It was really helpful having Sure here because it was easy to ask any questions and now I’m happy they’re not going to block or dig up my driveway.’

Other members were reassured to know that fibre landlines would cost the same as their current plans.

Sure and the States are working in partnership to convert all Guernsey premises to a fibre-based broadband and landline service by the end of 2026, promising significantly faster speeds than at present.

Once the new infrastructure is installed, the copper network will be retired.

Sure said it would be happy to talk with other groups and their members in future.