Guernsey Press gets behind 'buy a night' campaign as PPBF marks 20 years
The Guernsey Press today launches a campaign to raise £66,000 to secure funding for a year for the Priaulx Premature Baby Foundation’s three flats next to Southampton Hospital.

On World Prematurity Day today, as the PPBF marks its 20th birthday, the Press is delighted to be working with the charity to support its work, and the many local families who use the facilities, with children and babies seriously ill in Southampton.
The Buy A Night campaign seeks to raise £60 each night for each of the charity’s three flats – a total of £66,000 to cover the whole of 2024.
‘You just can’t see a tiny baby undergoing operations and fighting for life without your heart going out to the families involved,’ said Guernsey Press editor James Falla.
‘Andy and Jo know this from their own experience and through the foundation, they do all they can to help islanders in this position.
‘At the Guernsey Press, together with our loyal and generous readers, we are proud to do what we can together to support the work of the PPBF. I’m sure this campaign will be well supported and we will help the PPBF through another year of helping islanders in their time of greatest need.’
Jo Priaulx said the campaign was an ‘amazing’ and unexpected 20th anniversary boost for the charity.
‘This partnership with the Guernsey Press and its readers will hopefully help many Bailiwick families needing support when they’re rushed off-island for their child’s urgent critical care.
‘Every penny counts and we’re so grateful to the Guernsey Press and the community for their ongoing support,’ she said.
Support the campaign here