Guernsey Press

Airport forecourt access could be limited after traffic jams

VEHICLE access to the airport forecourt could be limited unless drivers stop causing traffic jams in front of the terminal.

Queues around the airport forecourt are common at Guernsey Airport, especially on Sunday nights when usually four busy UK flights all arrive within half an hour. (32765852)

There has long been issues with cars slowly driving around the forecourt while waiting for passengers, rather than going into the car park.

The warning comes after the airport halved the amount of time people could park for free from an hour to 30 minutes in October.

Guernsey Ports passenger operations manager Harrison Bird said that further measures were now being actively considered, and this could include limiting access to the forecourt at certain times.

‘Ultimately, we cannot allow vehicles to remain stationary outside the terminal building for prolonged periods of time, for safety and security reasons,’ he said.

‘When traffic issues have arisen, it is because many vehicles circulating the forecourt were there to meet passengers who had not yet landed.

'This has prevented other drivers from collecting travellers who were waiting outside the terminal, causing further congestion and tailbacks in traffic, which can then block access to the main car parks.’

The congestion occurs most often at the end of the day, with the worst problems usually coming on Sunday nights, when four UK flights land within half an hour.

Mr Bird said that Guernsey Ports continued to work with stakeholders to balance airline schedules with the needs of travellers.

‘We appreciate that timetables are established many months in advance, and we acknowledge that there is a natural demand from passengers to return to the island last thing on a Sunday,’ he said.

‘We are doing our best to accommodate the needs of travellers and the airline schedules.’

Guernsey Ports is advising people collecting passengers to wait until the plane has landed before setting off for the airport, or to park in the airport car park.

Mr Bird said there was live arrival information available at, and islanders could also track flights on websites such as

‘Our website is updated as soon as the aircraft touches down, which can save people from coming up to the airport early and having to park for longer than 30 minutes,’ he said.

‘This would undoubtedly alleviate pressure on the forecourt, while saving people time and frustration from being stuck in traffic gridlock following a late flight.’