Mooring fees debate 'a shot across bows’
The deputy who led a bid to annul above-RPI increases in harbour mooring fees which was narrowly defeated in the States last week has said it could have benefits for boat owners in the longer term.

Gavin St Pier’s proposal was defeated by just a single vote, 17-16.
It means that boat owners are now facing significant fee rises from April.
He said the result might prove to be a ‘shot across the bow’ of the States’ Trading Supervisory Board and Guernsey Ports when considering future increases.
‘Next year they might take a little bit more care and hold proper consultation with the parties. It was a debate certainly worth having.’
Boat owners and commercial port users had pulled together to oppose the proposal and had offered to accept a 10% increase in fees for leisure boat owners.
They had also raised a complaint to the Guernsey Competition and Regulatory Authority, which said it was unable to step in.
‘It appears due to the way the Billet was presented, that the States of Guernsey has effectively reserved price setting powers to itself in respect to Guernsey Ports, and as such is effectively the price regulator for Guernsey Ports,’ said both associations.
Deputy St Pier said he knew that the debate would be ‘an uphill battle’ and had warned the boat owners of that.
‘I’m quite surprised it was as close as it was. We clearly managed to swing a few people during debate.
‘I had warned the boat owners that attempting to annul a regulation was always going to be tough as you are trying to overturn a decision that has already been made.
‘Had it been a proposal to increase fees, there probably would have been a different result.’