New P&R urged to withdraw plans to develop PEH field
Policy & Resources has been asked to withdraw its application to develop a green field next to the Princess Elizabeth Hospital.

One of the leading critics of the plans for Le Bordage Seath, Deputy Yvonne Burford, has written to the newly-elected committee to ask it to reconsider its application to have 66 flats for nurses built in the field.
The application was first submitted in December 2022, with a revised version just a few weeks ago in October. Its status is still listed as ‘pending’ by the Development & Planning Authority.
Deputy Burford last raised the topic in September when she submitted a number of Rule 14 questions to P&R, the answers to which showed a lack of progress.
Permission to build on the green field site will require the DPA to accept that there is evidence showing that it should be considered an exception to the normal planning rules.
‘It’s a year since P&R submitted a planning application for Le Bordage Seath,’ Deputy Burford said.
‘I have written to the new P&R to ask them to consider withdrawing the application.’
Deputies against the idea have said that the proposal was flawed and unworkable.
The States debated the idea on the back of a requete brought by Deputy Steve Falla in July 2022. His planned opposition to the building of homes on the field was turned on its head when the States backed an amendment from Deputy Neil Inder, which instead substituted a plan to build on the site and to offset the loss of the green field elsewhere, to the point where Deputy Falla wished to distance himself from the end proposal.
Of the new Policy & Resources Committee, two accepted the Inder amendment – Deputies Bob Murray and John Gollop – while Deputies Jonathan Le Tocq and Heidi Soulsby, a very vocal campaigner against building on the field, rejected it. Deputy Lyndon Trott did not vote as he was acting as presiding officer for the debate.