Tied States of Alderney votes are decided by a lucky draw
A SPLIT vote had to be decided by drawing a name out of hat in the States of Alderney this week.

The election for a chairman of the General Services Committee saw members’ votes split five-all.
The vote was one of two at Wednesday night’s meeting of Alderney States that ended with a split decision.
Current incumbent Lin Maurice was up against ex-Policy & Finance chairman Bill Abel, and after both got the backing of five members, the States adjourned for 15 minutes to see if members could come to a decision.
But when it remained tied after a second vote, president William Tate said he had no alternative but to place both candidates’ names in the Greffier’s hat with Mrs Maurice the first name out of the tocq.
Mr Tate admitted the situation was not ideal.
‘It was not for me to make a political decision, but there had to be an outcome on the night and I took the decision it was the only pragmatic way forward,’ he said.
‘In the absence of any past procedure, I thought this was the fairest way to proceed. Members accepted it as the only realistic way we could come to a resolution.’
However, Mr Tate did intervene in the vote for who would become his Vice-President, as he felt this was a non-political role.
Ian Carter, a former head master in his fourth year as an elected member, was tied five-all with Bruce Woodhead, who was elected in December 2022.
With a split decision Mr Tate used his casting vote in favour of Mr Carter, who will now take over the role from Steve Roberts and deputise when Mr Tate is unavailable.
‘Ian Carter just edged it due to his longer political experience in the States,’ said Mr Tate.
He added that it had been an unprecedented night for Alderney politics.
‘There have been split votes on policy issues before but not votes for chairman or vice-president,’ he said.
‘We have not had to resort to drawing names from a hat before for this sort of decision.’
Committee chairmen and members for 2024
. Policy & Finance: Nigel Vooght (chairman re-elected), all other members.
. General Services: Lin Maurice (chairman, re-elected), Derwent Smithurst, Steve Roberts, Bill Abel and Ian Carter.
. Building & Development Control: Kevin Gentle (chairman, re-elected), Ian Carter, Boyd Kelly, Alex Snowdon and Bruce Woodhead.
. Economic Development: Alex Snowdon (chairman, re-elected), Boyd Kelly, Bruce Woodhead, Derwent Smithurst, Ian Carter, Bill Abel and Steve Roberts.
. Messrs Snowdon and Roberts will continue to serve as Alderney Representatives in the States of Guernsey.