Guernsey Press

Man dies in single-car crash at Havelet

A man in his seventies died in hospital after the car he was driving was involved in a single-vehicle accident on Saturday morning.

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The car crashed into a granite wall and a lamppost at the bottom of Le Val des Terres. (Picture by Karl Dorfner, 32959005)

The accident occurred at just after 9.30am at the bottom of the Val des Terres and the junction with Havelet, close to the Octopus restaurant. The death was announced shortly before noon. The man has not been named.

All the emergency services were quickly on the scene.

St John Ambulance said in a statement that a paramedic ambulance, which was in the area, was initially alerted to the incident by a member of the public.

'In addition to the doubled-crewed ambulance, an ambulance incident officer and an off-duty clinician were also in attendance,' it said.

'The patient was given immediate treatment, before being conveyed to the Emergency Department of the Princess Elizabeth Hospital.

'Despite the best efforts of the medical crews the patient sadly died in hospital. Our thoughts are with their family at this time.'

Police and the Fire and Rescue Service also responded to the incident.

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