Islanders to have their say on harbours
Islanders will be able to start giving their thoughts on the St Peter Port and St Sampson’s harbour area frameworks from next Monday.

The local planning brief aims to set planning policy for the Harbour Action Areas and will coordinate development to maximise the potential of the sites.
Tibbalds Planning and Urban Design has been appointed to prepare the brief and have been talking to key stakeholders to identify core issues and opportunities.
The company now wants to test the initial ideas and principles with stakeholders and the wider community and gather feedback.
The consultation will be launched on Monday and there will be two drop-ins, as well as the chance to comment online.
DPA president Victoria Oliver said more information was needed about the harbour area before significant development can take place.
‘Local planning briefs provide an exciting opportunity to use joined up thinking to bring forward development in areas along our seafront which has not been possible in recent years,’ she said.
‘This exercise is a fantastic opportunity for the public to have their say on how they would like to see the harbours and surrounding areas enhanced over the coming years, unlocking the potential for significant development in these important areas.’
Tibbalds director Hilary Satchwell said the two harbour action areas were important to the way Guernsey functions.
‘We want to make sure that the local planning brief reflects and responds to how they are used now and how they need to be used in the future,’ she said.
‘Our team has spent the last few months understanding what is important about them and now we want to get wider feedback on our early stage ideas for how the local planning brief could support positive change and growth in the future.
‘We hope a broad range of people will come along to the consultation events and talk to us about what they value now about the two harbours and what they think they think the local planning brief should include for the two Harbour Action Areas so that they are best able to support the people, environment, and economy of Guernsey over the next 20-plus years.’
The closing date for responses to this consultation is 12 April.
The draft local planning brief will be published for public consultation in July 2024, prior to being submitted to a public inquiry undertaken by an independent planning inspector. If approved by the States Assembly in early 2025, the brief will set planning policy for the Harbour Action Areas.
Public drop-in events are scheduled for 21 March from 1pm to 6pm in the Market Building, St Peter Port, and on 23 March from 10am-2pm at the Rock Community Church, St Sampson’s. People will also be able to have their say at