Guernsey Press

More than 200 youngsters at Big Free Gig

More than 200 children aged seven to 17 attended Delancey Elim Church’s Big Free Gig.

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Battle of the School Bands winners Cheezy Beanz headlined the two-session event at Delancey Elim Church. (33099193)

The two-session event proved to be a big hit with the island’s young people. The first session was for under- 12s and the second for under-18s.

Organiser Tim Guilbert said that the event was a success.

‘We sold about 200 tickets for the event and it was probably a 50/50 split between the two age groups, maybe a few more older children,’ he said.

‘Honestly, it went really well.’

Across the two, two-hour sessions there was a DJ and live music from four bands from Thirst Music School and the School of Popular Music, including the headliners and Battle of the School Bands winner Cheezy Beanz.

‘It was great the children got to see bands they hadn’t seen before and was really good opportunity for the bands too,’ said Mr Guilbert.

The Rev. Benn Duncan, pastor of Delancey Elim, set out to make the church the ‘beating heart of the community’ when he joined.

‘It is a real community event and it was more about doing something in the community than in a church event,’ said Mr Guilbert.

‘The majority of the people who were at the event weren’t from the church.

‘It was a non-religious event for all of the community.’

Mr Guilbert has said that the church was planning to run more similar events.

‘We are actually already in talks about doing something like this again in the future.

‘It is something that Rev. Duncan is really keen on pushing forward and it is such a key part of our future.’