Guernsey Press

Les Amarreurs playground will soon be resurfaced

RESURFACING work will finally start soon at Les Amarreurs playground.

Senior Vale Constable Richard Leale at Les Amarreurs playground that will be undergoing some work to have the safety ground resurfaced once the parish secures a UK contractor. (Picture by Sophie Rabey, 33099502)

A recent Vale parish meeting backed the £25,000 for the work to be carried out, which will make it safer for children to play on.

The playground was closed for a short time last summer when work was due to take place.

However, it was reopened quickly when the contractors were not ready to start work.

Senior constable Richard Leale said that a UK contractor was available at one period during last year’s summer season, but poor weather made logistics incredibly difficult and that they were now unable to undertake the work.

‘Unfortunately, there’s nobody locally that can do what we need,’ he said.

‘So we’re currently waiting on quotes from other contractors in the UK who can do it.’

He said that it was not the equipment that would be upgraded, but the safety ground surface, emphasising that the playground was still safe for use by children.

‘There is no problem in any shape or form with the playground, it’s still safe to use,’ said Mr Leale.

He said that he hoped the work would be done before summer, but there was no set completion date.

The children’s playground and adjoining public toilets are open all year-round.

n The Guernsey Press has been asked to clarify that the Vale parish accounts, which were discussed at the recent parish meeting, included £15,000 of refunds for work not undertaken, superseded or deferred in the previous year, not £1,500 as previously published.