Guernsey Press

GFSC chairman to stand down

Guernsey Financial Services Commission chairman Julian Winser is looking to stand down, despite Policy & Resources recently submitting a proposal to the States to re-appoint him for a further three years.

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Julian Winser is to stand down as chairman of the Guernsey Financial Services Commission. (Picture by Sophie Rabey, 33233836)

Mr Winser explained that it had been his intention for some time to retire from his roles as chairman and commissioner, but he had been slow in letting P&R know.

‘I only told the president of P&R that I wished to retire after P&R had agreed that I should continue in the role for a second term.'

Mr Winser got engaged recently and intends to move back to the UK.

‘I feel it is right to focus on the change in my life rather than continue working,’ he said.

‘The GFSC is in a good position and I am sure it will continue to do an excellent job without me.

‘I have always believed in recruiting people better than myself.’

P&R said that after putting forward the GFSC’s recommendation for Mr Winser to continue, it was told that ‘due to positive new developments in his personal life he is no longer able to continue in the role’.

The committee thanked Mr Winser for his contribution over one three-year term, and wished him well for the future.

‘P&R is intending to submit a further policy letter shortly, recommending that the current and eminently-qualified vice-chairman, John Aspden, be appointed as chairman of the GFSC,’ it said.