Guernsey Press

Prayer walk good for unity of island’s churches

Landmarks around the island were blessed on Saturday when congregations from many of the island’s churches took part in prayer walks along nine different routes.

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A group of walkers prepare to leave Shiloh Church. Left to right: Timothy Seascale, Ellie Ferriman, Lucy Glass, Helen Morrissey, Eddie Kirby, Matt Ferriman, Simon Hodgett and Helen Morrissey. (Picture by Karl Dorfner, 33243615)

The initiative, in its second year, saw people meet at 8am at various locations and walk to a number of landmarks, with prayers being offered at each one.

All walkers met in Market Square during the afternoon, where music was played and more prayers were offered.

One walk, which started at Shiloh Church, included stops for prayers at La Mare de Carteret High School, Les Genats housing estate and a hut belonging to the Scouts.

‘I think the idea of it is great. It unites the island’s churches in working for one cause,’ said church team leader Chrissy Salmon, who was walking from Shiloh.

‘As Christians, we sense where God wants us to be and go. This walk gives us the chance to bless the island, which excites all of us.’

Assistant team leader Matt Ferriman, who has been part of Shiloh’s congregation for nearly three years, said the walk was for a great cause.

‘Churches are obviously so busy on Sundays, so they don’t really have time for something like this then,’ he said.

‘I know a fair few others taking part. It seems there is a good turnout and it will be nice to see everyone in Town at the end of the walk.’

Helen Morrissey, who has been attending Shiloh for about 40 years, recalled similar religious walks in the past and hoped this one would be held for many more years.

‘It gives churches a chance to work in unison and pray for our local community, which can often be chaotic and in need of God to show his love,’ she said.