Guernsey Press

‘Pragmatic’ Better Transport Plan embraces pedal power

Cycling plays a big part in the plans , with over three kilometres of new cycle paths planned for the north of the island.

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The plan includes new pedestrian and cycle ways through four of the planned new housing sites in the north of the island. (33268851)

Guernsey Bicycle Group media secretary Ben Craddock said the group had been consulted on the plan as far back as September 2022.

He described the plan as ‘pragmatic and practical’.

‘It could have been more ambitious but they have had to balance what would be ideal with the land available,’ he said.

‘Our current road network undermines healthy, affordable and sustainable transport choices, and many who cannot or choose not to drive make their journeys on foot or by bicycle in an unsafe environment.’

He said the group understood the urgent need for new housing, but expected that this would cause thousands of new journeys on the roads, and this transport plan was vital to get ahead of that.

‘People already face very long commutes for short distances due to congestion and road limitations,’ he said. ‘The plan is practical and well-consulted, working within land constraints, but it should be seen as a start, not the end game.’

The plan includes new pedestrian and cycle ways through four of the planned new housing sites at Saltpans, Cleverley Vinery, Leale’s Yard and Belgrave Vinery.

There are also cycle lanes planned on both the north and south sides of the Bridge, although it was unclear how these would connect, with this depending on the details of plans for a planned ‘mobility hub’ at the Bridge.

Mr Craddock said the group would need to know more about the specifics of the plan before they could comment further on how practical this would be.

He added the focus should be on giving people the choice and confidence to use alternative modes of transportation without disadvantaging any road user group.

‘One or two interventions will not create the positive change we need – the States now needs to commit to urgent and sequenced delivery so that people can benefit from completing joined-up and full journeys on improved routes.’