Guernsey Press

E&I president talks climate change with Forest School pupils

A visit to Forest Primary School by the Environment & Infrastructure president is proof that children can be heard, and not just seen.

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Forest Primary School held an environmental protest in March, organised and led by Year 5 pupil Elliot Davies. (Picture by Peter Frankland, 33308940)

Deputy Lindsay de Sausmarez discussed climate change with children at the primary school, after Year 5 pupil Elliot Davies wrote to the committee.

Elliot organised and led a march around the school’s car park on 21 March, and invited States members, but due to a States meeting none attended.

‘My discussion was valuable,’ he said.

‘Deputy de Sausmarez was very detailed in her responses and she knew what she was talking about. I asked her questions about installing new energy, transport and waste.

‘From the discussion I learned that a lot of people use a car when there are better alternatives.’

‘Also 93% of our imported electricity is from low-carbon and sustainable sources.

'I’d like to thank her for taking the time to speak to me.'

Deputy headteacher Emma King said that supporting the voice of children was an important part of what it meant to be a UN Rights Respecting School. Forest last week achieved its gold award.

‘We’re very proud of Elliot’s work to ensure his voice is heard when it comes to climate change. Already this year Elliot has led a whole school assembly, organised a protest march and now he and his peers have held discussions with one of Guernsey’s elected members,’ she said.

Deputy de Sausmarez, a former Forest Primary pupil, said she was delighted to return to meet Elliot and his classmates.

‘The questions they asked were so well informed and that lead to a really interesting discussion. They were particularly keen to hear about the practical steps we are taking to make their future more environmentally and economically sustainable.

‘I was pleased to be able to give them the detail they were looking for.’

She said that one subject discussed was the approved Electricity Strategy, which aimed for greater energy security and independence through locally generated renewables, such as solar PV and offshore wind, as well as additional interconnection.

‘It was great to hear the children at Forest articulate so clearly their hopes and ideas for their future,’ she said.