Guernsey Press

Uniform approach on integration plans for Les Varendes School

Electronic uniform vouchers are set to be sent to parents later this month, as part of the Les Varendes High School integration process.

Last updated
Les Varendes High School. (Picture by Sophie Rabey, 33315808)

The former Grammar School and La Mare de Carteret High School are set to become one school from September 2025. Changeover plans are being stepped up now, with the new Les Varendes uniform being worn from this September.

A 75% subsidy is being provided for key uniform items, such as the new puffin blazers and the black and sky blue PE kit.

A letter has been sent to parents this week from La Mare headteacher Mark Ramsay and Les Varendes principal Verona Tomlin.

They confirmed that work on the new uniform voucher scheme has now been completed.

‘The project team are currently conducting tests with the local uniform retailers,’ the teachers said.

‘Our aspiration is that during the week of 24 June, the vouchers will be electronically distributed to each parent via the schools.’

The vouchers will need to be printed before they are taken to the retailers.

The school’s V-neck light-grey pullover with two navy stripes is optional and is not included in the voucher scheme.

It costs £22.50, compared with £44.50 for the blazer, which is part of the voucher scheme.

The New School Design Team, consisting of students and staff from both schools, has been working on the transition.

‘The staff and students on that team are planning a launch event for the new school houses for the new school – and the houses themselves have been developed by the students,’ the headteachers said.

‘Work is under way to ensure all students and staff are allocated to those new houses ahead of the new academic year.’

The team is also working on plans for a joint-school activity during Activities Week, with students from both schools doing a school walk.

The headteachers have pledged to send out a newsletter every half term, with the first due before the end of this half term.

Information sessions for parents about the ongoing integration process are being organised.