Guernsey Press

King’s visit to be a ‘special day’ for island – Lt-Governor

Lt-Governor Lt General Richard Cripwell and Chief Minister Lyndon Trott have expressed their delight at news of the King and Queen’s visit to Guernsey next month.

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King Charles will return to the island for the first time since his accession next month. (Picture by Chris George)

Lt General Cripwell said King Charles and Queen Camilla held the Bailiwick in high regard, adding that it would be a ‘hugely important’ occasion.

‘The main focus of the day will be giving them the chance to meet and see as many islanders as possible, as well as giving them a feel for Guernsey’s heritage and tradition,’ he said.

‘They will also have the opportunity to see what the island is all about at the moment, with particular regard to our food produce and biodiversity.’

He added that the exact details of the visit were still under discussion, but that Government House was talking to Buckingham Palace ‘every day’ regarding an itinerary.

‘We are very fortunate that the King and Queen are able to spend time in the Bailiwick as part of their busy schedule,’ he said.

‘Having met His Majesty before I found him to be remarkably engaging and very well informed, so I’m looking forward to what promises to be a special day.’

Deputy Trott said he had been aware of the forthcoming visit for ‘several weeks’, adding that it was ‘hugely exciting’ for the island.

‘I had the pleasure of meeting the King a few years ago,’ he said.

‘As many know he has lots of interest in the environment, and I’m looking forward to speaking with him about our culture and heritage, but particularly about how Guernsey is at the cutting edge of green finance and becoming carbon neutral.’

He said that part of the day would see all elected States members partake in a special sitting of the States along the seafront in the presence of the King and Queen.

He also paid tribute to the Lt-Governor in ensuring that all key local figures were involved in the occasion.

‘Further details of the day will be released in due course, but His Excellency is eager to ensure that as many islanders get to meet the King and Queen as possible, and I thank him for the work Government House is doing with Buckingham Palace to organise what I’m sure will be a memorable day.’