Guernsey Press

Visitor Information Centre could move into Market

Guernsey’s Visitor Information Centre looks set to downsize soon, a planning application appears to indicate.

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The application from the Market Buildings shows plans are afoot for the former Holland & Barrett shop in Market Square. (Picture by Sophie Rabey, 33318757)

The States has not answered Guernsey Press questions in recent weeks about the future of the centre, but now a planning application unconnected to the States seems to indicate that a decision is being made.

The application from the Market Buildings shows plans are afoot for the former Holland & Barrett shop in Market Square.

The vast majority of the shop looks set to become a restaurant, but a third of it appears to have been allocated for a new tourism centre, according to Jason Dowinton in a planning application for the new eatery.

He confirmed that part of the unit was to be used by Guernsey Tourism to ‘provide retail services’ including the distribution of general information, things to do and places to visit. This area of just 45 sq. metres will not be subject to a change of use, as it will be covered by the existing retail use class.

The Victor Hugo Project, the charity behind the planned Victor Hugo Centre, signed a letter of exclusivity with the States of Guernsey last year, giving the project a confirmed option on the former States Offices at North Esplanade, which houses the Visitor Information Centre, up to the end of September 2024.

It has more than 700 sq. m of floor space over three floors, but only part of the ground floor was used for the tourism centre. The listed building is clearly prominent for visitors.

The new location will see the centre tucked in beside New Look, and the shop frontage is set back from the square, with the colonnades running in front.

The Guernsey Press asked questions in mid-May of the States committee responsible for property, Policy & Resources, asking for confirmation of whether the centre was moving to Market Square. P&R declined to comment.

Economic Development, the committee responsible for tourism, has so far refused to answer similar questions in April.

Questions about the latest planning application were to put to the States last week, but no response was received prior to publication.