Guernsey Press

Permission is given for kiosk at Delancey

Ice creams, teas, coffees and other refreshments are set to go on sale at Delancey Park now that planning permission has been given to convert part of the former changing rooms into a kiosk.

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Leonie Le Tissier and Paul Watts of St. Sampson’s Douzaine. (Picture by Peter Frankland, 33366954)

‘We’re really excited about it,’ said parish senior constable Leonie Le Tissier. ‘It’s something really positive for the park.’

The douzaine’s Delancey Park Committee has led the work to transform the block, built in the 1990s.

‘The park lacks any sort of facilities and with the changing rooms now redundant it seemed a logical thing,’ said committee chairman and douzenier Paul Watts.

‘We don’t have football or cricket up here anymore. We have the Guernsey Velo Club and probably one of the biggest users is the Northern Bowling Association.’

The next step will be for tenders to be invited to make modifications to the building.

It is intended that the kiosk area will take up the space of one of the changing rooms, she said, and the toilets will remain as part of the facilities.

Mrs Le Tissier said the intention was for the offering to be simple at first.

‘The aim was really to get something up there where you could buy an ice cream, tea and coffee.

‘If it goes well it could expand.’

The plans were drawn up by the douzaine and submitted to planners by Education, Sport & Culture, who are the park’s tenants.

It had been hoped to get permission and have the kiosk open this summer, but Mrs Le Tissier said this now seemed unlikely.

The douzaine has also had plans approved to erect fencing around the children’s play area. Tenders for this contract will also be sought soon, said Mr Watts.