Guernsey Press

Tourist information centre heads closer to Markets

Economic Development has finally confirmed it is investigating moving the tourist information centre to the Markets.

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Economic Development is looking to relocate the tourist information centre to the former Holland & Barrett shop in the Market Buildings. (Picture by Peter Frankland, 33367952)

The States had been reluctant to confirm the move which was then exposed in a planning application to install counters in part of the former Holland & Barrett shop.

Economic Development president Neil Inder said it had identified the vacant site as a possible option.

‘With the potential need to move the Guernsey Information Centre in the near future due to the exclusivity rights of the Victor Hugo Centre, subject to funds successfully being raised, it’s the right time to explore this potential opportunity,’ he said.

‘This opportunity would put the Guernsey Information Centre in the heart of the Town. Convenient, easy to signpost to, with a prominent, visible shop front, it would provide a more engaging experience for visitors.’

He said it would also benefit nearby businesses.

‘We would be driving visitors, particularly those arriving on cruise ships and yachts or those on a day trip to Guernsey, through Town, increasing footfall and passing trade, presenting the opportunity for retailers to benefit,’ he said.

‘This move presents the opportunity to breathe life back into an important building in the heart of St Peter Port.’

An updated planning application resulted in confirmation from ED.

In the new application, Jason Dowinton of Tyrell Dowinton Associates states the changes are being made in order for Guernsey Tourism to move into the space.

‘The works being proposed are minimal and have very little impact on the fabric of the existing building and essentially form a fit-out to accommodate the service desk, storage, display shelving counter space within the unit,’ he wrote in the application.

The design shows counters on both the Market Square side and the Inner Street side, with the display shelf in between them.

The unit was formerly Holland & Barrett and it is proposed it will be divided in two.

A separate application to turn one side into a restaurant is still being considered.

The tourism office is currently based in the Guernsey Information Centre on the seafront, near the Crown Pier.

The Victor Hugo Project, the charity behind the planned Victor Hugo Centre, signed a letter of exclusivity with the States of Guernsey last year, giving the project a confirmed option on the information centre up to the end of September 2024.